1. Protect Your Gums It’s not only severe cavities that can damage a tooth until it is beyond saving. Gum disease that leads to bone loss is just as harmful. Gum disease is caused by a buildup of plaque that creates pockets of infection between the gums and tooth roots. This leads to periodontitis, gum […]
Cosmetic Dentistry
Celebrity Smiles Without The Annoying Paparazzi

Hello friends of Almeida & Bell Cosmetic, Implant & Sedation Dentistry! Close your eyes. Picture the most remarkable smile you have ever seen. Perhaps it is the attractive smile of your significant other. Perhaps it is your favorite actor, actress, or singer. What makes this smile memorable? The brilliant color? The beautiful translucency? The pleasing […]
Almeida & Bell Dental Cosmetic, Implant & Sedation Dentistry Takes Care Of Plaque, Calculus, And Cavities

Hi. We are Dr. Almeida & Dr. Bell. Welcome to our Lone Tree dental blog! We find that many of our patients in the Highlands Ranch, Greenwood Village, and Littleton areas get a couple of dental terms mixed up. Today, we would like to clarify the differences between plaque, calculus, and cavities. Plaque is a […]
Smile Makeovers: First Things First

Hello, we are Dr. Adam Almeida and Dr. Paul Bell of Almeida & Bell Cosmetic, Implant & Sedation Dentistry. Thanks for visiting our blog. In today’s post, we will focus on something that happens occasionally when a patient requests cosmetic dentistry from their Highlands Ranch dentist. Let me set the stage. The patient comes in for a consultation about […]
Your Perfect Smile Is Only A Few Dental Visits Away, Greenwood Village!

What does it take to really change the way you look? Hours upon hours at the gym? Expensive trips to the most cutting-edge salon in the Denver area? What about a routine trip to your dentist? You may not love going to the dentist, but you will love the results when they help you find […]
The Gift Of Oral Health In Denver

Our warm and comfortable general and cosmetic dentistry staff loves sending our Denver area patients away with a new toothbrush and floss.
Look Younger With A Smile Makeover In Lone Tree

The success of smile makeovers in Lone Tree depend upon the skill of the cosmetic dentist, the procedures performed, and the quality of the materials.
What Is Your Cosmetic Dental Strategy?

To achieve the utmost in oral health and a remarkable smile, you need a strategy.
Smile Perfection in Lone Tree

We are perfectionists at Almeida & Bell Dental Cosmetic, Implant & Sedation Dentistry where we create perfect smiles for our Highlands Ranch cosmetic dental and smile makeover patients.
5 Ways To Floss Daily In Lone Tree

Hello Highlands Ranch! If you want to floss regularly but are too tired at night, this post is for you. In our Almeida & Bell Cosmetic, Implant & Sedation Dentistry blog, we want to give you a few ideas for unique times to floss and keep your teeth and gums healthy. 1. If you’re an […]