Are You a Candidate

Assessing Your Candidacy for Dental Implants in Lone Tree & Denver, CO

A Complete Smile is Within Reach

Achieving a stunning smile through dental implants is within your reach, regardless of complexity. At Almeida & Bell Dental, we specialize in dental implants and can assist patients with diverse needs, including multiple missing teeth and extensive bone loss. Our accomplished dental experts Drs. Adam Almeida and Paul Bell are equipped with cutting-edge technology, ensuring a streamlined and successful treatment for every individual. Don’t let uncertainty or previous assessments deter you—schedule a consultation with our dedicated implant dentists in Lone Tree, CO, and Denver, CO. Through personalized care and tailored solutions, we are committed to helping you qualify as an ideal candidate for dental implants. Experience the remarkable transformation of your smile with us at Almeida & Bell Dental!

Am I a Candidate?

  • Extensive tooth decay
  • Many damaged or failing teeth
  • Missing more or all teeth
  • Significant bone loss
  • Oral Infection

Why Seeing Our Experts Matters

When it comes to dental implants, seeking treatment from an experienced implant dentist is crucial, and at Almeida & Bell Dental, you’ll receive exceptional care from both of our expert implant dentists. Since dental implants require a unique set of skills and expertise compared to other restorative solutions, cases of extensive tooth loss, bone loss, or oral infections demand the hands of our qualified clinicians. 


Drs. Almeida and Bell have extensive training in dental implants and related procedures and possess the knowledge and skill set to handle even the most intricate cases. What sets us apart is our proficiency in state-of-the-art digital software and surgical technologies, enabling us to deliver precise, accurate, and personalized treatment. With us, you can trust that your dental implant journey will be guided by expert hands, resulting in lasting and customized results. Choose experience, choose Almeida & Bell Dental for dental implants done right!

Smiling young woman received dental treatment at Almeida and Bell Dental

Determining Your Implant Candidacy

At our practices in Lone Tree, CO, and Denver, CO, determining your qualification for dental implants involves a thorough assessment and diagnostics conducted by Drs. Almeida and Bell. We meticulously evaluate the condition of your gums, bone, and teeth to ensure a comprehensive understanding of your oral health. Dental and medical records play a crucial role in assessing any systemic conditions or lifestyle habits, including smoking, that may impact your candidacy:


Gum Health

Dental implants need a healthy oral environment to remain successful long-term. If infection is present, this can damage both the gum tissues and bone. Active gum disease will require treatment before dental implants can be placed to avoid failure.


Bone Volume

The health of your jawbone is crucial to dental implant success. Without proper density and volume, dental implants will not have proper support. Bone will need to be rebuilt and strengthened through bone grafting surgery.


Systemic Conditions

Underlying medical conditions such as diabetes and immune system disorders make it more difficult for your body to heal after surgery. Systemic disease also increases the risk of infection after surgery. Having these conditions doesn’t mean we can’t offer you dental implants, it just means we may adjust your treatment plan to improve the chances of a successful outcome. 


Physical Health

With proper maintenance, dental implants have the potential to last for the rest of your life. This includes maintaining excellent physical and oral health. If you smoke, consider quitting before your surgery and practice good daily oral hygiene habits.

Hand-Crafted Solutions

Smile female dental implant patient in Denver

At Almeida & Bell Dental, we go beyond helping patients become candidates for dental implants. We are committed to delivering personalized treatment that aligns with your individual health, functional, and esthetic goals; Understanding your aspirations is a vital part of the treatment process. Whether you desire the ability to enjoy a diverse diet without limitations, a beautiful and natural-looking smile, or newfound confidence in social interactions, dental implants can fulfill and often exceed these desires!


Drs. Almeida and Bell are focused on providing an exceptional experience and creating stunning smiles for each of our patients. With almost 50 years of dental excellence in the Lone Tree, CO, and Denver, CO areas and satisfied patients that have been with our practice for more than 40 years, our track record speaks for itself! We refuse to let previous discouragements deter you from embarking on your journey toward a new smile with us. Our door is open to offer you a personalized consultation and evaluation. Let us guide you on the path to becoming a strong candidate for dental implants!

See if You Qualify to Regain Your Smile and Your Life.

Schedule an appointment with our team today!