At Almeida & Bell Cosmetic, Implant & Sedation Dentistry, many urgent care patients come in because a toothache is unbearable. We provide a variety of procedures to stop tooth pain. More importantly, we eliminate the underlying cause of the pain. It may require removing tooth decay and crowning a tooth. It may require a root […]
dental implant Denver
Visit Almeida & Bell For The Royal Treatment

In need of a crown? At Almeida & Bell Cosmetic, Implant & Sedation Dentistry, we can provide the superior experience you’re looking for with the dental work you need. Get discolored teeth brightened and chipped teeth corrected. Get uncomplicated transformations or full smile makeovers. Drs. Almeida & Bell have been here since 1977, crowning patients […]
Root Canal vs Dental Implant

Hello Denver dental blog visitors. We are Drs. Almeida and Bell of Almeida & Bell Cosmetic, Implant & Sedation Dentistry. When a tooth’s nerve and pulp becomes infected, a dentist and patient must make a choice of whether to attempt to save the tooth by performing a root canal or to extract the tooth. There are several […]
Raise Your Dental IQ In Greenwood Village

There are many simple things that the average Greenwood Village area resident can do to raise their Dental IQ and improve their oral health. One simple lesson involves bacteria, and everyone’s mouth has a lot of it. But, don’t worry, bacteria per se isn’t the problem. Dental problems occur for Denver patients when the balance […]
Use Five Fingers for Quick and Healthy Flossing in Lone Tree

5 flossing steps made so easy you can tick them off one finger at a time thanks to Almeida & Bell Cosmetic, Implant & Sedation Dentistry, on the web at Thumbkin: Thumb to Chest Reminder Thumb to chest can remind me that this isn’t for my friends. Brushing the goobers off so I don’t […]